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Company Registration

One person company registration in India

One person company registration with 2 DSC, 1 DIN, 1 RUN Name Approval, 1 lakh authorized capital, incorporation fee, stamp duty*, MOA, AOA, incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, GST registration, ESI & PF Registration, business bank account opening, hard-copy share certificates, incorporation kit, commencement of business certificate and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing GST returns and generating GST eWay bill. Inclusive of all government fee and taxes.

What is One Person Company (OPC)?

A new concept has been introduced in the Company’s Act 2013, about the One Person Company (OPC). In a Private Company, a minimum of 2 Directors and Members are required whereas in a Public Company, a minimum of 3 Directors and a minimum of 7 members. A single person could not incorporate a Company previously.

One Person Company (OPC): Process of Registration

Step 1: Apply for DSC *

Step 2: Apply for DIN **

Step 3: Name Approval Application

Step 4: Documents Required

Step 5: Filing Forms with MCA

Step 6: Issue of certificate of Incorporation

* For Name availability under RUN Web service, there is no prior requirement to obtain DSC and DIN . It can be done with account login on MCA portal.

1. Apply for DSC: The first Step is to obtain the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the proposed Director which required the following documents:


  • Address Proof
  • Aadhaar card
  • PAN card
  • Photo
  • Email Id
  • Phone Number


2. Apply for DIN: Once the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is made, the next step is to apply for the Director Identification Number (DIN) of the proposed Director in SPICe Form along with the name and the address proof of the director. Form DIR-3 is the option only available for existing companies. It means with effect from January 2018, the applicant need not file Form DIR-3 separately. Now DIN can be applied within SPICe form for up to three directors.

3. Name Approval Application: The next step while incorporating an OPC is to decide on the name of the Company. The name of the Company will be in the form of “ABC (OPC) Private Limited”.

There are 2 options available for getting name approved by making application in Form SPICe 32 or by using RUN Web service of MCA by giving only 1 preferred name along with the significance of keeping that name. However, with effect from March 23, 2018, Ministry has decided to permit two proposed Names and one re-submission (RSUB) while reserving Unique Names (RUN Service) for the Companies.

Once the name is approved by the MCA we move on to the next step.  

4. Documents Required: We have to prepare the following documents which are required to be submitted to the ROC:

a. The Memorandum of Association (MoA) which are the objects to be followed by the Company or stating the business for which the company is going to be incorporated.

b. The Articles of the Association (AoA) which lays down the by-laws on which the company will operate.

c. Since there are only 1 Director and a member, a nominee on behalf of such person has to be appointed because in case he becomes incapacitated or dies and cannot perform his duties the nominee will perform on behalf of the director and take his place. His consent in Form INC – 3 will be taken along with his PAN card and Aadhar Card.

d. Proof of the Registered office of the proposed Company along with the proof of ownership and a NOC from the owner.

e. Affidavit and Consent of the proposed Director of Form INC -9 and DIR – 2 resp.

f. A declaration by the professional certifying that all compliances have been made.

5. Filing of forms with MCA: All these documents will be attached to SPICe Form, SPICe-MOA and SPICe-AOA along with the DSC of the Director and the professional, and will be uploaded to the MCA site for approval.

After uploading, Form 49A and 49B will be generated for the PAN and TAN generation of the Company which have to be uploaded to MCA after affixing the DSC of the proposed Director.

6. Issue of the certificate of Incorporation: On verification, the Registrar of Companies (ROC) will issue a Certificate of Incorporation and we can commence our business.


Nominee in One Person Company

The rules for incorporation of one person company requires that the sole member of a One Person Company should include the name of a nominee in the Companies MOA, who will undertake the entity after the expiry or incapacity of the former. Moreover, the document must contain the written consent of the nominee, which must also be filed with the Registrar during incorporation along with the MOA and AOA.


Withdrawal of Consent

The nominee is entitled to withdraw his/her consent, in which case the sole member is required to nominate another member as a legal heir within 15 days of the notice of withdrawal. The nomination of new personnel must be intimated to the Company through a written consent in Form INC-3. The Company, in turn, is required to file the notice of withdrawal of consent along with the intimation of the new nominee with the Registrar in Form INC 4.


Change of Nominee

The sole member of a ''One Person Company'' is empowered to change the nominee of the Company for any reason whatsoever, by providing notice in writing to the Company. Again, the new nominee must consent to the nomination in Form INC 3, and the Company must file the notice of change and consent of the nominee with the Registrar along with the applicable fee, within 30 days of receiving the intimation of change.


Nominee Appointment

If a nominee becomes in-charge of the one person company due to the cessation of the original member''s term owing to the death or incapacity of the latter, the new member must appoint a nominee as a replacement.



If a One Person Company or an officer of such Company is not compliant with the specified regulations, the entity or the officer will incur penalties which could be as high as Rs 10,000. Further, the penalty will be increased by a fine of Rs 1,000 for each day of default.



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Latest news

    Special Offer: Offer Valid Till 31st March 2021

    File Income Tax Return (Salaried Person)  Rs.599/-

    File Income Tax Return (Self Employed Person)  Rs.749/-

    Suitable Form for ITR Filing

    ITR-1 (SAHAJ): resident and ordinarily resident (ROR) individuals having total income of up to ₹50 lakh, having income from salaries, one house property, income from other sources and agricultural income up to ₹5,000.

    Non-residents cannot file ITR-1, irrespective of their source or quantum of income.

    ITR-2: Individuals not having income from profits and gains of business or profession (who cannot use ITR-1).

    ITR-3: Individuals having income from profits and gains of business or profession.

    ITR-4 (SUGAM): Individuals, and firms (other than LLPs), being a resident, having total income up to ₹50 lakh and having income from business and profession computed under the presumptive taxation scheme.

    Due Date Extened for TDS Return

    Government has extended the due date for filing TDS return (Form 24Q) from 30th May 2019 to 30th June 2019 for all TDS deductors across India. The change in due date was announced to help deductors comply with changes to the Form 16 format.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Updates Regarding INC-22A

    Please note that INC-22A is due on 15th June 2019 for all companies incorporated on or before 1.1.2018. The MCA has also declared that a further due date extension will not be provided and a penalty of Rs.10,000 will be levied for non-compliance along with the Directors being tagged as "Director of Non-Compliant Company". Hence, kindly ensure that INC-22A [ACTIVE eForm] is filed for all companies in which you are a Director.

    Latest Updates!

    1-Quarterly return for registered persons with aggregate turnover up to Rs. 1.50 Crores

    2-Turnover exceeding Rs. 1.50 Crores or opted to file monthly Return.


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